True prosperity is not found in the acquisition of things, nor the accumulation money. Money will never make one rich; houses and land will not make one prosperous; cars and material things will not cause us to be successful. All those things are the fallout of hard work, good choices, wise investments, gifts, or inheritances. True success is a state of mind. The truly successful and prosperous person is one who has learned contentment in whatever God brings his way.
Let me give you a few pointers that will help you become prosperous and successful:
- Live in the acknowledgement that it is God who gives us power to get wealth. (Deuteronomy 8:18)
- Understand that money is only seed and we need to learn how to sow, where to sow, and what to sow. All seed produces of its kind. A small measure of seed produces a small harvest; a huge measure of seed, a huge harvest.
- That which you have received as a blessing (spouse, children, job, church, pastor, etc.) NEVER comes with sorrow. Proverbs 10:22 says, "The blessings of the Lord bringeth forth wealth and He adds with it no sorrow."
- Wherever we house the presence of God will be blessed. Read the story (1 Chronicles 13:14) of the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark of God remained with Obed-Edom for three months and the Lord blessed his household and everything he owned during that time.
- Joshua 1:8 tells us that through meditating on the Word of God, we shall make our way prosperous and shall have good success.
- When Isaac was meditating in the field (Genesis 24:63), he lifted his eyes, saw, and said, "Behold, the camels are coming!" He saw his prosperity coming before it showed up and while he was in the presence of the Lord.
I encourage you to raise your expectations. Do not be trapped by what the world or this economy is trying to dictate to you. The God of creation has already decided your future. He says that His plans for you are good -- to give you a hope and to give you a future. (Jeremiah 29:11) Your miracle is ready and waiting.
Humbly loving you,
Bishop Gabe
Image is from here.
Humbly loving you,
Bishop Gabe
Image is from here.