Life is most fascinating when we understand its purpose. Life is nothing that we create or attain; it is truly a gift from God. God gives us life and we mostly determine its quality and often its quantity.When life comes to us as a gift, it is full of God's power. The potential life has within its borders hope, peace, fullness, future, and success. When we realize that life is from a loving and generous God, we then desire to live life to its fullest. Life should be enjoyed, not endured.

In this present life (the natural) we have ups and downs, mountains and valleys, triumphs and tragedies. Unfortunately, we compare one day to another and we determine whether this is a good day or bad day. If the truth be known, we cannot say what a good day or a bad day is until we have evaluated
all the days. Let me propose to you, my reader, something to consider. I want you to imagine an EKG monitor. As it is recording your heart's activity, you will notice the peaks and the valleys. We call that a representation of life. As long as we can see high points and low points, we feel we are fine. Once that machine shows a long flat line, we call that death. But is it really death or is it the passage way to a new destination?
Now when we understand real life (the spiritual), the flat line represents consistency. Life around us still happens. Life is full of deaths and births, marriage and divorce, buying a new home and being foreclosed, luxurious cruises and broken down cars. But those that have flat-lined in Christ are consistent in their faith. When their faith is challenged, they trust in God. When seemingly nothing goes right, they trust in God. When there is an abundance, they praise God for His goodness. When there is an apparent lack, they praise God for His goodness. David the Psalmist writes, "Some trust in chariots and some in horses but we trust in the name of the Lord." It is when we flat-line in Christ, that life becomes peaceful. A dead man does not fear tomorrow. A dead man is not offended as to what people do or say. The flat-liner says, as Apostle Paul has said, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain," and "The life which I NOW live..., I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me." The dead man is no longer shaken, but has become the shaker.
Jesus warned us that in this life we shall have hard times and tribulations. Yet He said to be of good cheer because He had overcome and so, we too shall overcome. My friend, life happens. Let life do its thing and allow God to do His. We also must learn to do God's thing! May we not allow the circumstances to dictate our path and our journey through this life. This life is merely a temporary detour to our eternal home!
Humbly loving you,
Bishop Gabe
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